Variations on Park to Park

The Park to Park game described a couple of posts ago has generated a lot of interest and brought up some interesting variations on the theme. Obviously one of the things that can be done is to increase the number of locations where a game can be played – 3 countries? 6 continents?

But one of the difficulties that becomes apparent is that it will be difficult to map exact relative points. What I mean by that is, if player A moves to a point 100 meters West and 50 meters North, player B will have to move in exactly the same manner. This will add an element of interest if player B has to move through/around a hedge to get to this point, but if this point is in the center of a lake then the game may become unplayable. A better way would be to map relational paths…

… by which I mean that, for example, player A takes the route shown.

and player B would indeed end up in the lake. With a little bit of magic, we could adjust his position so that although he thought he was following A, he can just manage to stay dry.

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